
HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery

a project by happyworm

jPlayer as a media playlist player

Demo variant: Media Player. {solution:"flash, html"}

(This demo is experimental and has issues with the iPhone's built in video player. It tends to work ok, but can have problems switching between the media types in iOS. You also have to close the video player manually when changing media types. See also the iOS4.2+ gesture restriction explained below.)

In this demo jPlayer is combined with HTML and CSS, along with javascript code to add playlist functionality to a media player.

You can easily customise the way it looks and make it fit your pages colours and style.

This demo will use the HTML solution if it can, otherwise the Flash fallback solution will be used. The supplied media formats are WebMv, OGV and M4V for video. OGA and MP3 for audio.

Each media type (video and audio) is indiviudally affected by the iOS4.2+ restriction that a gesture must generate the play action. ie., The user must click play the 1st time for each media type on iOS 4.2+.

Press play to start the media.